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Last week, we loaded up the car and headed south to one of our favorite places: Savannah.
A few hours’ drive from here, it’s a city filled with history—a few centuries’ worth. Originally, Georgia was settled in 1733. “Under the original charter, individuals were free to worship as they pleased and rum, lawyers and slavery were forbidden - for a time.”
That is, until after the Revolutionary War. “Plantations and slavery became highly profitable systems for whites in the neighboring ‘Lowcountry’ of South Carolina. So Georgia, the free colony, legalized slavery. The trans-Atlantic slave trade brought many African-Americans through the port of Savannah. Many who stayed in the area formed the unique Gullah culture of the coastal communities in Georgia and South Carolina.” (Source:
Although we love Savannah, we feel the tension between its history of oppression and the things we love about it now: its beauty and charm, walkability, green spaces, food, and historic sites where we learn more about its checkered past.
There is much for us all to learn from bad history so we don’t repeat it.
Late August brings temperatures in the 90s with matching humidity. We take long walks to explore and shop in the early mornings and then head back to our rental apartment in a historic building with the A/C going full blast. We read, write, work, eat, watch movies, and then emerge again in the evenings for another short walk to dinner or ice cream at Leopold’s, our favorite.
Savannah has a mandatory mask order along with regular restrictions for COVID, and we were happy to comply.
Our walks always lend lots of beauty sightings. Here are a few favorites from this trip. Hope you enjoy!
Forsyth Park fountain
Near Forsyth Park
8:00 am social-distancing outside of Collins Quarters, our favorite stop for a pot of tea for me and a lavender mocha latte for him.
For more photos, read my other posts on Savannah here and here.
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