Hello there! I took a few weeks off from the blog, but I stored up some glimpses of beauty to share with you. I’m glad to be back, and I’m glad you’re here, too.
The date had been on the calendar for weeks. It was a Saturday morning in early June that we had both labelled "Gibbs Gardens." After a busy May filled with our daughter's graduation festivities, my husband and I looked forward to some time at Gibbs, to enjoying the serenity and beauty there.
The gardens and the Manor House, where the Gibbs family actually lives, comprise 220 acres. There are 16 gardens total. In addition to the one at the Manor House, there are two other featured gardens: the Japanese and the Waterlily. It would be hard for me to choose a favorite.
Japanese Garden. Photo credit: Mart Martin
Jim Gibbs, owner of the gardens, is the retired president and founder of Gibbs Landscape Company, an award-winning landscape company for more than 40 years. He embodies this quote by William Kent: "Garden as though you will live forever."
Lacecap hydrangea
It was our third visit to see Gibbs Gardens, with each visit having been in a different season. This year, we just bought an annual pass. Every time we go, we are amazed at the extraordinary variety of the plants and flowers there, the color, the quiet, and the beauty.
This visit, like the others, did not disappoint.
One of over 100,000 daylilies
Look at the pattern and different shades of green on these ferns.
Our family enjoys exploring and discovering new things to do in our area (or at least new to us), whether it's an art exhibit, a restaurant, a revitalized shopping district, or an outdoor treasure like Gibbs. Mart and I usually sit down with our calendars and choose a date to go. We're intentional about planning; otherwise, what we want to do would never get done.
And I would miss these opportunities not only to seek out and enjoy the beauty around me but also to share it with you.
Is there a public garden or greenspace in your area that you'd like to visit? Take some time today to choose a date to go and then write it on your calendar. Afterward, send me an email and tell me about it.
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