I am a fair-weather walker. I don’t like to exercise outside when it’s cold, other than to run from the car to a toasty warm interior of some sort. But when the weather is above, say, 60 degrees, I enjoy walking outside.
Being outside clears my head and helps put my life and circumstances into perspective. Walking not only makes me feel better physically but also spiritually because I often pray along the way.
I almost always find beauty when I walk. In fact, I’m looking for it.
I look for interesting things, and I also try to look at “ordinary” things from interesting angles. You can do this too.
Here are four ways I look for beauty and some photos from our walks in Savannah to show you what I mean:
1. Look up.
The details at the top are as interesting as those below. The overcast sky makes them stand out.
A tall crepe myrtle draped with Spanish moss.
2. Look down.
Life among the old brick pavers in the alley outside our back door.
It was tempting to only look up at the historic buildings, which would have meant that I'd have missed these colorful, perky flowers and the green ivy beyond.
3. Look closely.
This blossom seemed to be hovering on the side of the walkway until I realized that it was lying on the black chain. The stem was bent but the flower's beauty wasn't diminished by the sturdy support.
4. Look long.
This is the same square as above. I wanted to get a photo of the church, but I wanted all the beauty leading up to it, too. So instead of a close-up of the church, I took the long view.
These four ways of looking have helped me find some wonderful moments of beauty.
Now it's your turn. Make a date with yourself to go outside this week and look for beauty in these ways. Then let me know what you find. If you send me a photo of it, I may use it on my blog or Facebook (with your permission).