As you may know, I’ve been celebrating the one-year anniversary of Glimsen this week. And if you’ve been around for a while, you probably aren’t surprised to see that chocolate was involved.
Our family’s schedule this summer has been unusually crazy, and this past weekend was no exception. Two family members went on separate trips and arrived home on different days. Then one of them started packing to leave for another trip on Monday.
So, on Sunday afternoon, we had about 30 minutes to squeeze in an anniversary celebration for Glimsen.
I had briefly thought about having a big party, inviting a bunch of people over, ordering a huge flower arrangement, serving multiple desserts, and decorating to the hilt. But there wasn’t time to have a big party, and it would have stressed us all out.
Plus, I quickly realized that one of my motives behind having a big party would have been to make the celebration look good online.
It's embarrassing to admit, but it’s a temptation I sometimes face with this blog and social media: to make everything look perfect and beautiful. After all, I write about beauty.
But perfection is not the image I want to convey, because that’s not real, it’s not me, and it’s not Glimsen.
For example, yesterday I sent my survey asking for feedback about Glimsen to my subscriber list. (If you’d like to receive my updates and posts, too, click here.)
I wrote that when you fill out the survey, you’ll receive a new piece of printable art with one of my favorite quotes about beauty. I'm excited about sharing this piece of art with you.
Well, I found out later that the technology required to actually give you the link to the printable hadn’t been set up yet.
So, if you have filled out the survey, thank you! Email me at and I’ll send you the link to the printable.
If you haven’t filled out the survey, please do so. Your feedback will help me know what you like about Glimsen and how it can be improved.
Not perfected, mind you, but improved.
Our celebration on Sunday afternoon was just the three of us and our dog, in the dining room, snapping a few photos, and then digging into my favorite chocolate cake, which is neither homemade nor expensive. It’s from Fresh Market. The cake is small so there wasn’t much left over, which is a good thing because I would have eaten it all on Monday while hiding in the pantry. Not that I’ve ever done that before, with my daughter's Easter and Halloween candy, for example...
Look how small that piece is! It was really tiny...and so yummy!