Transitions. They are a natural part of life.
One recent period of transition resulted in me starting this blog. So, I guess you could say that literally something beautiful came out of that time in my life. I'm so grateful for that.
Frost Memorial Chapel
Transitions are often disruptive and hard because of the change that accompanies them. Some of us don’t like any type of change. Others are slow to adapt. Still others mourn what is lost when the old gives way to the new. And sometimes change is flat out painful.
I’ve found myself in all those places.
But sometimes change can be good, even if it doesn’t seem like it at first.
Transitions are a natural part of life. And whether I like them or not, they always get my attention.
I start asking myself questions like, where am I? What path am I on? I spend time praying, writing, and talking it over with my husband, Mart, and other loved ones.
Because I’m a follower of Jesus, my life already has meaning and purpose. I know where my path ultimately leads: life with Him forever. But while I'm here, I want to make sure that my life points to Him.
White marble dust path on the way to the marble mine, James H. Sloppy Floyd Park
In times of transition, I also look at different areas of my life: relational, professional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, etc. Where will my current path in this area take me? Do I need to change anything?
Another good question during transitions is one I learned from author Michael Hyatt: What does this make possible?
Throughout this year, I've been asking, what does being an empty-nester make possible? For me, it has meant stepping into several leadership roles that have stretched and challenged me. The stretching has enabled me to grow in new ways. It’s been an exciting year and, at times, hard and scary. But so worth it.
Our friends' olive grove in Umbria, Italy
Of course, we don't have to wait until major transitions to ask ourselves questions like this. Mart regularly checks his goals to make sure he is staying on the right path. Doing that can help make transitions, when they do come, a little more seamless.
But any time is a good time to examine the path our lives are taking. To slow down, take a look around, and see if this is where we want to be. Chances are good that we will enjoy that path a whole lot more if we look up and around for the beauty along the way.
Howard Finster's Paradise Garden
Are you in a time of transition? Have you taken note of your path lately? I'd love to know about it. Email me at
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