For years now, I’ve been writing and sometimes speaking on the topic of beauty. Why?
With our world suffering from violence, poverty, racism, slavery, hatred, ugliness of every kind, why write about beauty? Why not something practical, something helpful?
Am I just putting my head in the sand? Ignoring the state of the world, distracting people from what’s important?
After all, beauty seems temporal, impersonal, powerless. It doesn’t change anything. It’s just an escape, right?
Beauty can provide an escape, if you want it to. But it is so much more.
Most everyone stands in awe at the sight of the mighty ocean, a waterfall pouring into a lake below, a snow-capped peak, a deep-rutted canyon.
But for many of us, a cheerful daisy, a quiet stream, a tree covered in brilliant orange leaves, the soft colors of a new day, or the sight of a dog running with joy is beauty enough.
Why is that?
Beauty can pull us out of our circumstances. It allows us a chance to rest, to breathe deeply and exhale fully.
It can relax, refresh, and rejuvenate us.
It helps us step back from the fray, grounds us in the moment, shifts our focus, gives us perspective. It reminds us that there’s something—Someone—bigger than ourselves.
Beauty is one of the proofs of God’s existence. If there is no God, then why does beauty exist? What could possibly be the reason for it?
Beauty doesn’t fit into a survival-of-the-fittest, naturalistic, closed-system framework.
It does appeal to us on a sensory level, yes, but that’s just the beginning. It’s just the signpost on the road, the front-door welcome.
“Come. Look at this. Now…look at that!”
Beauty points to the transcendent. It points to a Creator—One who delights in beauty, variety, order, color, light, and life. Who created textures, sounds, smells, sights, and tastes, and then (!), created the senses with which we can actually experience and appreciate them.
And all of it here for us to enjoy, whether we believe He exists or not.
I do believe He exists. I believe that He is good, true, and beautiful, and that He wants to be known. Beauty is His invitation to us to look further—and when we do, we will find Him and so much more besides.
I'm honored that you've taken time out of your day to stop by my blog, Glimsen. Here at Glimsen, I share glimpses of the beauty around us in nature, the arts, and the unexpected. If you like what you see, click the blue button below to receive my posts and updates by email, and you'll also get a free gift of beauty in your inbox (see below). I look forward to connecting with you!